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The Blue Knights® today ...


Currently, there are nearly 20,000 BLUE KNIGHTS® worldwide in 11 conventions, 650 chapters (sections) in 29 countries. Each chapter makes a point of participating in philanthropic works and organizing national and international meetings. There are no strangers at BLUE KNIGHTS®, just friends we have not met yet.

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The aim of the club is to create a good atmosphere where members can have fun while practicing motorcycling as a family, including organizing motorcycle tours at national and international level. We continually strive to develop friendships with colleagues around the world that we meet during our outings. Another goal pursued by our club is to contribute to the improvement of the biker's image, notably by adopting impeccable behavior and attitude during our travels, as well as by advocating safety and courtesy. Like our foreign colleagues, we try through philanthropic social actions to help disadvantaged people in our country, and mainly certain categories of children (abused, autistic, abandoned, etc ...). At home, all members have a democratic voice and suggestions are always listened to with attention. At the beginning of each year (or at any other convenient time), we hold a general meeting. On this occasion, the Board presents the results of the year and makes proposals for the following year. The Treasurer sets out the expenses and receipts that everyone has the opportunity to check. If necessary, elections are held to renew all or part of the Board of Directors (whose members are elected for two years).

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