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Members at Blue Knights®?


Are you interested and eager to join us? Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We will be happy to assist you in your efforts. The qualifications required to access the quality of Blue Knight are dictated by the International Bureau and applied by each chapter worldwide. The requirements are:    

  Being a Police Officer in active employment (active as retired) full-time or part-time, having a power of arrest     (not limited to police  officers).    

 This includes Police, Gendarmerie, Military Police, Customs and Excise, Prison Officers, etc.     Be employed by a government agency and receive monetary compensation or be retired, or be a disabled former police officer.   

  Be in possession of a valid driving license for driving a motorcycle.    

  Be the owner of a motorcycle, or arrange to acquire one within six months of submitting your application.


There are 5 categories of members:

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